Distributeur voor documentaires gezocht…

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Distributeur voor documentaires gezocht…

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Zie onderstaande oproep die we hebben binnen gekregen van Mona Schier. Kunt u  haar helpen?

Dear Werkgroep Herkenning-Team,I am very happy to e-meet you!My name is Mona Schier and I am a passionate filmmaker and photographer from Germany, studying in the Netherlands.With my new documentary “Only the Forgotten is New” I found an interesting way to tell an extremely personal and unique story from a son of a Nazi in the second world war, very creatively.Since you are known for exploring and helping destinies from the Second World War, this is surly very interesting for you!

For the documentary I am looking for a cooperator and/or distributer in order to bring this amazing project to life and make people understand the actual consequences for the whole victims life!

If I made you curious about this project, I would be more than happy to introduce you to the complete concept!

To get the last percent for being fully convinced, check out my Sizzle Reel and check out the PDF: Only The Forgotten Is New.

I am looking forward to hearing from you!Mona Schier


